After missing the last few #JoziMeetup events, I was really keen on attending this year. When Heather of SA Mom Blogs (the awesome organizer of the event) announced the date, I was so excited, and I told my husband right away to keep that weekend clear. With us not living in Johannesburg, we need to … Continue reading #JoziMeetup
Tag: South African mommy blogger
Recipe | Banana Muffins
Those who know me, know I tend to shy away from baking anything which doesn't start out with a mix in a box. Baking from scratch scares me - once it's in the oven, that's it... it's all too final for me. This time though, I decided to be brave and try a recipe I … Continue reading Recipe | Banana Muffins
So… How old are you?
Remember when we were kids, and someone would ask, "how old are you now?" Excitedly, proudly even, we'd answer, "nine, and I'm going to be ten in four months!" I was reminded of those days during the holiday. There were two older girls where we were staying, who were really sweet to Zee. Chatting to … Continue reading So… How old are you?
2016, you got me all reflective and stuff.
2016 has been quite a year. Everyone you talk to, and all over social media, people are more than ready to bid farewell to 2016. And our family? Well, Shawn has had one of the roughest years at work,... I did a phenomenal job of breaking my toe, and for a little while there found … Continue reading 2016, you got me all reflective and stuff.
Maybe I’m Doing Something Right
Many a meme has been made about the less than glamorous side of parenting. And the reason that they're so funny is because they're relatable. After all, who hasn't experienced {1} a child say out loud something painfully embarrassing (but let's face it, hilarious, AND true) in public... or {2} a toddler making his/her way into … Continue reading Maybe I’m Doing Something Right