2016, you got me all reflective and stuff.

2016 has been quite a year. Everyone you talk to, and all over social media, people are more than ready to bid farewell to 2016. And our family? Well, Shawn has had one of the roughest years at work,… I did a phenomenal job of breaking my toe, and for a little while there found myself overwhelmed with housework plus work work,… and Zee… well, Zee’s had a great year actually. 🙂


So chilled.. like, “what’s wrong with 2016 guys?”

She took to grade one like a star, and received an excellent report from Clonard on Monday.

Her little sister was born in June (my friend Jules’ baby), and they adore each other. She’s already given her aunt Jules instructions to teach baby K to call her didi (older sister in Hindi) once she starts talking. 🙂


In July she turned seven, and is quite excited that “in three years it’s the big one mom! I’m going to be ten!”. Mom can barely deal that you’re seven… so let’s slow down ok.

In August she lost her first tooth (further proving to a much in denial mom that she really is growing up), and the second tooth followed in November.

In November, she also completed her first “big girl” ballet exam (two dances in soft ballet shoes, one in character shoes, and all alone with the examiner and music person, with no teacher to assist/support).

It’s been a great (and big) year for Zee, and when I looked through this year’s pics on my phone, it put things into perspective. Something positive, even if it was something small – highlights if you will – took place each month, making 2016 a maybe-not-so-bad year after all. I chose a photo from each month in 2016, and I’m sharing them (and a highlight from that month) here with you today.


Shawn and I celebrated our twelfth anniversary. ❤

Then grade one began for this teacher and star student!



Mommy daughter day at ballet. So many giggles as our little rascals taught us a few moves.



A long weekend, turned into a full week at Sun City, to fit in as much fun as possible.



Zee is reading so beautifully, and mommy couldn’t be prouder of this little person.



Alice in Wonderland themed ballet prize giving. Her receiving an award for Personality yet again (besides other awards) makes me heart happy.



Little sis, Baby K arrived!

Disney On Ice – Frozen was AH-MAZING!!!

Oh, and pj’s day at ballet.



Zee is seven! My baby is growing up. ❤



Tooth fairy time 🙂



There was a partial solar eclipse, and we had an amazing view through daddy’s welding helmet.



Parents evening at ballet. Cue the tears (moms, not kids).

A fun day at the Barbie Star Light event, with even a little bonding time there with aunty N and K.



Grade one Royal Academy of Dance ballet exam.

The second milk tooth finally fell out, after shaking for the longest time!



Grade one, done and dusted. And what a brilliant job she did. ❤

We closed shop last Thursday, and even though we’re not happy daddy’s had to work, we at least had time to recharge, and the good news is today’s his last day of work too! Let the holidays commence! 🙂


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