A Quick Peek At Dullstroom + Pickles & Things

This past Saturday, Shawn had some work to do in Dullstroom. Seeing as it was the weekend, and we’d not been there before, Zee and I tagged along for the almost two hour drive.

The people he had to see were at a property just outside the town. We hadn’t even gotten past the gate when Zee let us know how unfair she thought it was that we didn’t live in a place like that! The photo below is of what greets you at the gate. No explanation needed for why my child wants a house here.


The lady who met us once we were inside, invited Zee and I to take a walk and have a look around while we waited for Shawn. Zee didn’t need to be asked twice. 🙂

She could barely contain her delight at the sight of a waterfall amidst all the green. So pretty!



Shawn was done within forty minutes, and we made the short drive back into town. It was already afternoon, and shops were getting ready to close, but we made it into one of them in time. The Toy Box is a little store I’d spotted on the main road, on our way in. Zee found a special handmade fairy princess there – she loved her from the second she saw her.



Our next stop had to be for food, as all three of our tummies were rumbling by then. We walked along the main road, trying to decide where to eat, when this amazing smell came wafting through the air from a restaurant across the road. Decision made! 😀


We were shown to our table at Pickles & Things – right by one of the two fireplaces – by our waiter Michael, who was friendly, and quite helpful when we asked what he’d recommend to a couple of first timers (I always appreciate this over the “everything is nice, you can order anything” response).



We were so hungry, we went straight to mains. Zee ordered the beef cheese burger with fries. According to Zee (and I agree based on the bite I stole), the burger was “sooo yummy!” A proper meaty patty, with loads of grated cheese which is a nice change from the usual slice of cheese and definitely added to the yumminess.


Shawn and I opted for two of the specials, both of which came highly recommended by Michael. Dullstroom is famous for its trout, which most visitors to the town are there either to catch or eat.

Shawn wasn’t going to leave without trying this speciality, so he ordered the Trout stuffed with haloumi, caramelised onions and fried tomato. It did not disappoint! The fish was perfectly cooked, and generously stuffed. The mash and veggies were nicely done, and rounded off the dish well.


I was feeling cold after the walk outside, so I went for the lamb curry, as I wanted something really  warming… Plus I have a thing for trying out curries everywhere I go. 😛

I loved the flavour of the curry. I was a little unsure how curry and mash would go together, as we usually eat curry with rice or bread, but this worked! Tender lamb pieces + smooth mash = winning combo. I had to take half of it away though, because Shawn kept feeding me stuffed trout, and I needed to save some space for dessert.


Zee had the pancake with chocolate and berry sauce, Shawn the baked cheesecake, and I got a cappuccino. The reason I don’t usually order a third desert is I know my child – that little tummy can only take so much. And seeing as she was already half a cheese burger down, I knew I’d be feasting on pancake for desert.


Cappuccino. With cream, yes. I regret nothing.


The pancake was nice, as pancakes and fresh cream are. Personally, I could do without berry sauce on this, or on anything actually, but that’s me.


The baked cheesecake was so delicious, it got the closed eyes sigh of contentment from Shawn on the first bite. You know I had to get in on that action after that! From the beautiful biscuity base to the lemon flavour, it was so, so good! Again, not a fan of berry sauce. Next time I’d ask them to leave it off.



Pickles & Things is a lovely, cozy restaurant, one I’m so happy we found on our short trip. Excellent service and delicious, hearty food has ensured our return on any future trips to Dullstroom.

7 thoughts on “A Quick Peek At Dullstroom + Pickles & Things

  1. Sara Essop says:

    Wow, Dullstroom looks beautiful. I’ve only driven through it when visiting Kruger National Park – and stopped for coffee the last time I was there – but I think I need to go and spend some more time there – especially since I love trout too.

    • Charlene says:

      We had also only ever driven through previously. I’m glad we had a reason to stop this time, and our next visit will have to be a whole weekend. Zee wasn’t too impressed that she didn’t get to properly explore the town! 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, it’s truly appreciated.

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