Healthy snacks for kids (and moms) with Frusli Cereal Bars {+ WIN!!!}

Every parent knows the importance of ensuring that their home (or car, or bag) is well equipped with snacks. Kids are tiny snack monsters, and having kids turns you into one as well (okay, me at least), because seeing them snack all the time, gives you the munchies too. With all this snacking going on, it’s really important that the majority of your home/car/bag snack supply is of the healthy, nutritious variant. Enter Jordan’s Frusli Cereal Bars – healthy kids snacks that moms will struggle to keep their paws off too! ?

Healthy kids snacks

But what does the little person think?

We received these boxes of yummy goodness just in time for a long weekend last month. Between, Zee and I (and Shawn sneaking in one or two as well), those poor boxes didn’t stand a chance. When they arrived, I wasn’t entirely convinced that Zee would love them, seeing as there was no yoghurt or chocolate coating to make them more “child friendly”. I needn’t have worried though, as she soon gave me her verdict: “the Frusli bars are so yummy, and the Blueberry is definitely the best!”

Healthy kids snacks

So much good stuff in these healthy kids snacks

Apart from being chewy and delish, the other positive is all the really good stuff that goes into these bars, making Frusli a winner for me, and other parents I’m sure – wholesome wholegrain oats, dried fruits, nuts and seeds. All the ingredients that provide natural energy; are rich in nutrients; are an excellent source of fiber; and contain no artificial colours, flavours, preservatives, or added salt.

Healthy kids snacks

The Frusli Range

The full range now available in South Africa consists of the following flavours:

Jordans Juicy Red Berries Frusli Bar: Wholegrain oat cereal bars with strawberry and blueberry infused diced cranberries, raisins and strawberry, and raspberry flakes.

Jordans Juicy Blueberries Frusli Bar: Deliciously creamy British wholegrain oats baked with sweet blueberries, sharp, zingy cranberries and plump juicy raisins.

Jordans Raisins & Hazelnuts Frusli Bar: Deliciously creamy British wholegrain oats baked with crunchy hazelnuts and sweet juicy raisins, all packed into a scrumptious chewy bar.

Healthy kids snacks

They’re available from Pick N Pay, Makro, and Spar. RRP: R59.99 for a box of 6 cereal bars.


I have 5 hampers to give away, to 5 moms or dads!

Each hamper consists of 3 boxes of Frusli cereal bars. (You may choose whether or not to share them with your kids. ?)

To enter, simply comment on this post and tell me what your go-to healthy kids snacks are for your little/s.

South African Mommy Blogger


* All steps must be followed in order for your entry to be valid.
* Giveaway is open until 2 May 2018 at 19:00.
* Only ONE comment is required. Multiple comments will not be taken into account.
* Winner will be announced within 2 days after giveaway closes.
* Prizes are not transferable/negotiable and may not be exchanged for cash.
* Prize will be sent by the supplier, and delivery may take up to a few weeks.
* Open to South African residents only.

42 thoughts on “Healthy snacks for kids (and moms) with Frusli Cereal Bars {+ WIN!!!}

  1. Adele says:

    I tend to always carry a little pack of nuts with when we out! At home i cut up cheese and cucumber slices for my toddler to snack on

  2. Mandy says:

    Go to healthy kids snacks at the moment are a couple of the Gordon Ramsey treats from checkers (carrot and mango dried fruit rolls and mini choc chip cookies)

  3. Tharishia Ebrahim says:

    My go-to healthy snacks for my little boy are the fruit rolls and nibbles from the Checkers “OH MY GOODNESS” range.. The Jordan’s Frusli Cereal Bars sound awesome, and would be perfect for Amaru to snack on, especially on weekday mornings, since he gets up extremely early, and only has his breakfast at playschool at 8.30?

  4. Spirited Mama says:

    I’m always looking for healthy snacks as lunchbox ideas. Even after school snacks for extra murals COS Dudie is always hungry 🙂 No Troll has jumped on the bandwagon expecting a snack/treat whilst we wait for Dudie to finish extra murals….

  5. Lisa says:

    Biltong – both my girls love it! and raisins (I love them except when they don’t digest and its time to change a nappy)

  6. Jeanne-Riëtte says:

    My boys love biltong, carrots, my homemade energy balls and they love snack bars too!
    Always looking for healthy snacks.

  7. Puveshree says:

    My go to snack are apple donuts. Core and apple and cut into circles (should have a hole in the middle like a donut), spread nut butter on apple and sprinkle with dried fruit, coconut flakes and cacao nibs/dark chocolate chips.

  8. Michelle Van Rooyen says:

    My children love, dried fruit , peanuts and raisins to nibble on, thank goodness they not sweets children?

  9. Andrea says:

    My daughter loves dried fruit. But I love fresh grapes and strawberries and cheese sticks as a healthy filling snack for her.

  10. Nicole young says:

    My son loves his fruits especially apples?and bananas?he prefers it just so cut up or il make a fruit salad with yoghurt an some other delicious fruits aswell to make the plate colorful?

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