Last Thursday, we flew to Cape Town (yaaaaayyy!)... at 5:55 in the morning (eeek!). It may not sound all that bad for those of you living close to an airport. We, however, live 160 kilometers from this airport. ? Also, none of us are early risers. Here's why: 1. Shawn works a whole 6 minutes … Continue reading We booked an EARLY morning flight… We’re probably never doing that again.
Tag: South African Parenting Blogger
Meet the Mommy [Week 5] – Namreen from Life and Times of the Fireflies
A while back I was thinking about how all the moms I know are different in many ways – be it their parenting style, or whether they go to work, stay at home, or work from home. Some have one little person, while others have three or four. Some of our babies began their journey inside … Continue reading Meet the Mommy [Week 5] – Namreen from Life and Times of the Fireflies
Meet the Mommy [Week 4] – Melissa from Mel’s Postbox
A while back I was thinking about how all the moms I know are different in many ways – be it their parenting style, or whether they go to work, stay at home, or work from home. Some have one little person, while others have three or four. Some of our babies began their journey … Continue reading Meet the Mommy [Week 4] – Melissa from Mel’s Postbox
Meet the Mommy [Week 3] – Carly from Mom Of Two Little Girls
A while back I was thinking about how all the moms I know are different in many ways - be it their parenting style, or whether they go to work, stay at home, or work from home. Some have one little person, while others have three or four. Some of our babies began their journey … Continue reading Meet the Mommy [Week 3] – Carly from Mom Of Two Little Girls
Meet the Mommy [Week 2] – Prakashnie
A while back I was thinking about how all the moms I know are different in many ways - be it their parenting style, or whether they go to work, stay at home, or work from home. Some have one little person, while others have three or four. Some of our babies began their journey … Continue reading Meet the Mommy [Week 2] – Prakashnie