Euro (Paris) Holiday – With A Tiny Tot {part 2/parte deux}

From the tiny bit of the planet that I’ve visited, Paris is undoubtedly my favourite city. It’s cosmopolitan, beautiful, and rich in history. There’s the Arc de Triomph, the Louvre, and the Champs-Elysee. Best of all though, is the fact that it’s an awesome holiday destination for a family with little ones. There’s a lot to keep them busy and happy – boat trips, parks, and the many carousels all over the city. Zee loved the carousels, and could sniff them out anywhere. 😁

If you missed part 1 about our first overseas family holiday, you can catch up here.

Carousel crazy :)

Carousel crazy 🙂

Nothing, of course, comes close to Disneyland!! The moment we decided on Paris for our holiday, I began checking for Disneyland ticket prices, park times, even accommodation at the park (that bit was way out of our budget). I was super excited that we were taking our little rascal to the happiest place in the world!

The first day we got there, it was already after 1pm, so we decided to buy our 3 day park tickets, and spend the rest of the day checking out Disney Village. Disney Village is where you shop ‘til you drop, for everything Disney. There are also restaurants, and even some live entertainment.

Mini Shopaholic at the huge World Of Disney store

Mini Shopaholic at the huge World Of Disney store

How cool is this shop??

How cool is this shop??

The other 3 days, we got there earlier, so we could have enough time in both parks. It was awesome!!! There’s something magical about the place, you can’t help but smile. A lot.

There are quite a few rides for toddlers, which was perfect for Zee (and mommy… I’m not brave enough for the adrenaline-rush scary rides).

We love Mike! :)

We love Mike! 🙂

Aladdin's Flying Carpet - Zee's first ride at Disneyland

Aladdin’s Flying Carpet – Zee’s first ride at Disneyland



DumboThe Flying Elephant

DumboThe Flying Elephant

Another carousel! :)

Another carousel! 🙂

Mad Hatter's Tea Party - definitely 1 of her faves, we had to do that twice :)

Mad Hatter’s Tea Party – definitely 1 of her faves, we had to do that twice

Two things Zee enjoyed the most, and couldn’t stop talking about, were the parades and meeting the Disney princesses. The parades were fantastic, and you could see that all the parents were just as (if not more) delighted as their kids, to see all the Disney characters go by, waving and blowing kisses.

We stood in line for about 40 minutes so Zee could meet Belle (Beauty and the Beast), and on the last day there, we stood in line well over an hour inside the Princess Pavilion, where she got to meet Aurora (Sleeping Beauty).

I love that the princesses take a good few minutes to chat to each child, take photos, and of course give them super special princess hugs and kisses. The smile on Zee’s face when Belle said “goodbye Zee, see you again” was priceless.

Telling her new bff Belle that she's 3 :)

Telling her new bff, Belle, that she’s 3 🙂

Some love from Aurora :)

Some love from Aurora 🙂

I’ll add pics of the parades in my next post, as I think they deserve their own post (also, there are loads of them). Hope you’ve enjoyed sharing in our holiday thus far. 🙂


8 thoughts on “Euro (Paris) Holiday – With A Tiny Tot {part 2/parte deux}

  1. Sara Essop says:

    Zee’s so cute. She looks like she’s having the time of her life. It’s great that you have lots of photos to show her when she gets older. She’ll probably want to go back though 🙂

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