2018 – We’re back, and ready to take you on!

So the December 2017/January 2018 holiday finally arrived… and then, it was over. It always feels too short, and getting used to the normal takes a bit of time, even if the holiday had only been two weeks long. We got back home on Sunday evening, and our little person was less than impressed. As we drove into town, she could barely contain her disappointment: “I like our home, and my room, and all my stuff, but why is the holiday over?” ?

It may only have been 2 weeks (and like Zee, I too want to know why the holiday has to be over) but, as always we made the most of it, and now we’re ready for 2018.

It was a great break – we spent a few days with family (there was some serious bonding time with my precious baby niece); we rested; we jumped (and laughed, and laughed some more) at Rush; we ate ALL the food; we drove 1800 km and took in the beauty that is South Africa; we went on lots of walks (well, Zee would ride her scooter, and they would both slow down so I could catch up – awww); we went on a boat ride and spotted amazing animals; we relaxed by the pool; we played soccer; we drove up a mountain; we got crazy tanned; we got massages; and Shawn grew his annual holiday beard. ?

2018 - Rush

2018 - roco mamas waffles

2018 - CTFM

2018 - Zee

2018 - swan

2018 - elephants

2018 - daddy and zee

Shawn even made a surprise booking for the last 4 nights on The Elephant Coast, at Ghost Mountain Inn (seeing as our anniversary is 2 days into the first work week this year) – that was really special, and the perfect place to wrap up the holiday. I’ll tell you more about the place and our stay there in another post.

The holiday was also a break from my phone and iPad. Well, not entirely, but I did switch off the data – I didn’t write or read any blog posts; I was hardly ever on social media except to post a few pics; I even avoided WhatsApp as much as possible. Definitely a “detox” that I’d recommend everyone tried every now and then.

Something I did use my phone for was to take plenty of photos. I played around with the camera, especially during the second week, and it’s the thing I’m loving most about the iPhone X right now! I took these pics without any real effort – I was lounging by the pool, and just clicked away – and I love how they turned out. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that I was working with the loveliest model. ❤️

2018 - Zee

2018 - Zee

2018 - Zee

2018 - Zee

2018 - Zee

2018 - Zee

2018 - Zee

And finally, my fave – the “I see you mom, and I know you’re still taking photos” face. ?

2018 - Zee

What did you get up to these holidays? And are you all set to take on 2018?

South African Mommy Blogger

36 thoughts on “2018 – We’re back, and ready to take you on!

  1. Veronica Bettencourt says:

    Your little one is so adorable! It sounds like you had a really amazing time, I’ve never been to Rush before but I’ve been begging my fiancé for ages so hopefully, we can go soon 😉
    All the best for the new year! 🙂

  2. Veronica Bettencourt says:

    Your little one is so adorable! It sounds like you had a really amazing time, I’ve never been to Rush before but I’ve been begging my fiancé for ages so hopefully, we can go soon 😉
    All the best for the new year! 🙂 xx

    • admin says:

      Thanks Veronica! 🙂
      I hope you guys go soon, you’ll have so much fun! We’ve been a few times, and we always jump with her, like really big kids haha. ? xx

  3. Simone Cameron says:

    How special of your husband to book that trip!

    Looks like you had a fabulous holiday….short, but so precious <3

    My snaps don't look quite the same….. lots of puke thanks to the whole family getting hit by a stomach bug…all staggered…not at the same time….oh and mountains of washing (3 kids…the struggle is real!). lol. I enjoyed living through everybody else though 😉

  4. Noleen Miller says:

    By the looks of it – you had an amazing holiday. HOw lucky are you to have a husband that books a 4 night stay. Wish, I could go on a holiday now as we did building renovations over the December holiday. Yes freakin building renovations that took up most of my holiday. Luckily all is over now and our house has returned to a sane place again. But never again.#lekkerlinky

    • admin says:

      He’s a keeper this guy! ❤️
      I can’t think of many things less fun than home renovations, so I fell your pain! Glad it’s all over now!

    • admin says:

      Isn’t it ironic? They love looking at the pics afterwards. It’s just when the camera’s on them that they’re not too pleased lol.

  5. Teri Row says:

    My Holidays were way to short… wish I could of done half the things I had hoped to have done. Took a short one, as I want to save up as much leave for things for the baby and unexpected leave I might have to take. #LekkerLinky

  6. Nadia says:

    Reading this made me want to strap the kids into their carseats and drag my husband into the ca;9r so that we can go on holiday :):) The holidays already seem so long ago now that school has started

    • admin says:

      I know right? It feels as if we’ve been back in the “normal” world and routine so long, and like the holidays didn’t even happen. ?

  7. Spirited Mama says:

    We were home beings this past holiday but I think it was what we needed. Holidays always seem too fly by….but I guess that’s cos you’re having too much fun to notice dates/time? I also took a break from SM and loved it. Will try to implement it often. How awesome is your husband to book an additional getway! # lekkerlinky

  8. Chanene Ablett says:

    This holiday was about reconnecting so I think I did the same. I gave up rushing and spent more time on building family relationships. I did not give up food in fact it was quite opposite which did not help that I gave up exercise this holiday. Cheers to 2018 and reading more about your adventures. #lekkerlinky

    • admin says:

      My friend and I actually had such a laugh over the food thing – she was like, “holidays are all about food my friend!” ?

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