**WIN** tickets to SPLASH! The Water Circus at Silverstar Casino

SPLASH! The Water Circus is set to enthrall audiences at Silverstar Casino on its first visit to South Africa, direct from Russia. Launching on 19 August, the show will be at Silverstar Casino until 17 September, before heading off on a nationwide tour until January 2018. SPLASH! The Water Circus is a circus for the modern-age, presenting a … Continue reading **WIN** tickets to SPLASH! The Water Circus at Silverstar Casino

​We booked an EARLY morning flight… We’re probably never doing that again. 

Last Thursday, we flew to Cape Town (yaaaaayyy!)... at 5:55 in the morning (eeek!). It may not sound all that bad for those of you living close to an airport. We, however, live 160 kilometers from this airport. ? Also, none of us are early risers. Here's why: 1. Shawn works a whole 6 minutes … Continue reading ​We booked an EARLY morning flight… We’re probably never doing that again.