It may have taken a decade or two, but Leonardo Dicaprio's time has come! Last night, he finally won the Oscar for Best Actor. 🙂 He looked really handsome in his Armani suit and Louboutin shoes, and he shared some seriously cute moments with good friend Kate Winslet (making our 15 year old selves giddy … Continue reading Oscars 2016 – Leonardo Dicaprio
Category: Just for Fun
(Almost)Wordless Wednesday – Daughters
Two reasons why having a daughter is truly awesome: 1. Best Selfie Buddy Ever 2. Mommy-Daughter Mani-Pedi and Milkshake Dates What more could a mommy ask for? ❤️
Star Wars: Episode VIII
It's real now. Star Wars: Episode VIII is in production. 😀 The teaser trailer, announcing that production has started, is 35 seconds long, and is more than enough to have you wishing it were December 2017 already! We're shown the final scene from The Force Awakens, from a different angle - Luke's perspective this time … Continue reading Star Wars: Episode VIII
3 Quotes in 3 Days: Day 3
It's the last day of the quote challenge, and I've really enjoyed it. The quote I chose for today isn't from a book like the previous two. It's one I saw on Facebook of all places, a year or two ago, and I've had it saved on my phone since. Here it is: Time has … Continue reading 3 Quotes in 3 Days: Day 3
3 Quotes In 3 Days: Day 2
After a very busy day, I'm getting to this really late, so I'm going straight to my quote for today: This is a fun one, which I've loved for the longest time. I don't have anything too deep to add, except to say that I do agree with Alice - a little bit of crazy … Continue reading 3 Quotes In 3 Days: Day 2