After a very busy day, I’m getting to this really late, so I’m going straight to my quote for today:
This is a fun one, which I’ve loved for the longest time. I don’t have anything too deep to add, except to say that I do agree with Alice – a little bit of crazy really does make for the best person. 🙂
Here are the rules again:
1. Post 3 of your favorite quotes, for 3 recurrent days. The quotes can be of any other people or it may come straight from your own heart.
2. Nominate 3 bloggers with each post to challenge them.
3. Don’t forget to give a shout out to the person who nominated you. (Thank you Tehzeeb for nominating me 🙂 )
I nominate:
1. Abieda from Crazy Mom Journal
2. Tammy from Painting In Pink
3. Megan from Beauty And The Baby Blog